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All-in-One Volume Converter

For best viewing on a smaller device, check out our compact Volume Converter

The All-in-One Volume Converter is designed for larger displays.

For smaller displays, check out our Compact Volume Converter.

Or else click here to switch to the desktop version.

USA Canada United Kingdom Japan
cups cups (CAN) cups (UK) cups (JP)
Tbsp Tbsp (CAN) Tbsp (UK) Tbsp (JP)
tsp tsp (CAN) tsp (UK) tsp (JP)
fl oz fl oz (CAN) fl oz (UK)
pints pints (CAN) pints (UK)
quarts quarts (CAN) quarts (UK)
gallons gallons (CAN) gallons (UK)
jiggers jiggers (CAN) jiggers (UK)
gills gills (CAN) gills (UK)


Enter amount in the appropriate field and click Calculate to convert. Click Show Fractions to see nearest fractions. Click Clear to start over.

You can enter decimals, fractions or mixed numbers:
e.g., 3, 2.2, 1/8, 2 1/8

If the fraction has an asterisk (*), this means the decimal cannot be accurately converted into a fraction. For example, 0.27 Tbsp converts to 1/2 Tbsp which is not an accurate fraction, so the result is displayed with an asterisk.

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